The sequel returns to Trendy’s high fantasy world of Etheria, with the previous game’s four , now grown heroes setting out to defend the land against the invading “Old Ones” (no relation to the fiction of H.P. Two great tastes taste great together. Conceptually, Dungeon Defenders 2 is a coming together of tower defense and action-RPG play. The game is still a few months off from launch, but the little we got to try during a recent demo left us excited to see what’s next.
Dungeon Defenders 2 expands on the original game’s ideas in some welcome ways, and it does so with a newly improved visual aesthetic that helps add to the impression of a more polished overall experience. The game is informed by some of the more recent approaches taken with the genre, marrying the frantic push of defending against waves of rushing enemies with the kinetic thrill of action-RPG mechanics. Trendy Entertainment hit a lot of the right notes with its 2011 tower defense gem, Dungeon Defenders.